

Some little-known facts about GPT-4

OpenAI announced GPT-4 a few hours ago, and I have successfully used it in ChatGPT. There are some fascinating stories about the release event and my experience using the GPT-4 model in ChatGPT, let me tell you about them.

  1. ChatGPT doesn't know that it is already using the GPT-4 model because the knowledge base hasn't been updated. It still thinks it is GPT-3.

  2. If you have used the new Bing in the past five weeks, then you have used GPT-4. However, the new Bing uses an early model specialized for search (source).

  3. New Bing doesn't admit that it uses the GPT-4 model. It claims to use a different technology called Bing Chat. But if you ask about the difference between Bing Chat and GPT-4, it obediently says that Bing Chat's engine is GPT-4.

  4. OpenAI still keeps the size of the previously discussed 1 trillion model confidential.

  5. GPT-4 can accept image inputs, but you can't use it yet. OpenAI says they are working with other companies to solve this issue.

  6. As shown in the image above, it understands memes. AI can play with memes and even AI memes!

Finally, the GPT-4 API is now open for applications, and you can join the waitlist here.

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